Wild Olive was very instrumental in helping with fundraising efforts for my 11 year old niece, Maeci, when she was 1st diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma this past April. The Lord gave Maeci a special verse of Scripture to comfort her during her battle with cancer. Wild Olive teamed up with Maeci and designed a Tee just for her!
"God's Got It! Keep Me Safe O God, For In You I Take Refuge ~ Psalm 16:1" This verse became not only Maeci's "theme verse" during her fight, but that of hundreds of others as they purchased Wild Olive fundraiser tees on Maeci's behalf!
What an incredible way to reach the lost for Christ! Wild Olive, thank you for all that you did for my family and for all that you do to bring others to a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ!
Now it's your turn to share the love of Christ AND have an opportunity to win one of 2 Prize Packages! Wild Olive is giving away 2 Women of Faith Packages! Each package contains 2 Wild Olive Tees of your choosing and 2 Women of Faith tickets for their Over the Top Event in Hartford, CT on November 19-20!
Just go to their website: www.wildolivetees.com/blog/ and follow the Contest instructions! Could it be any easier? Oh, and while you're there, look around their store and buy something!
**If (When =) ) I win, I would choose the Wild Olive Tee package!**
Hugs & Prayers,